3 signs your wine has gone bad

Here are some tell-tales that your wine might have gone bad. Picture: Pexels

Here are some tell-tales that your wine might have gone bad. Picture: Pexels

Published Jan 17, 2020


I have heard many times that wine goes bad when left open for too long, that open wines only last for a few weeks. 

According to the Vivino website below is how you can tell if your wine has gone bad.

The looks

The cork: First tell-tale sign that you're about to drink bad wine is a cork slightly sticking out of the bottle. 

This means the wine has been overheated, usually caused by poor storage. This is often referred to as Maderized wine.

The colour: If the wine's colour looks less crisp and sort of discoloured, the wine is likely oxidized. Oxidized, in this instance, means that air has come in contact with the wine. 

Here are some tell-tales that your wine might have gone bad. Picture: Pexels

The smell

Have you ever taken a sip of a wine, and the first that came to mind was the smell of mouldy, wet basement? 

Then it is almost certain that you've encountered a corked wine.

Many different smells could indicate the wine is off. 

Here's a list of things to be on the lookout for: Wet dog, vinegar, barnyard (in the less pleasant way) and wet gym clothes. These smells suggest that your wine is corked and bad.

The taste

Sweetness: It can be a little trickier to taste if a wine has gone bad, but a good giveaway for red wine is often a sweet, port-like taste (unless you're drinking port). 

This happens when the wine has been exposed to too much heat.

Bubbles: There are wines where you expect a fizzy sensation, and there are those you don't. 

To create the bubbles you find in champagne, the wine undergoes a second fermentation, where the yeast magically transforms itself to bubbles. 

However, in wines that aren't supposed to be bubbly, sometimes the yeast rebels and starts its second fermentation, making wines that aren't supposed to be fizzy… fizzy. 

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